Course Code: REL-RTS-0-SIBCOTP
Hours: 1
Type: Online Course
Content Expiration Date: 12/31/2026
Learning Objectives:
Determine the types of breast cancer surgical procedures and the potential functional implications of each.
Determine the typical clinical progression post-surgery.
Select preoperative and postoperative interventions to address key recovery issues and complications associated with breast cancer surgery.
Section 1: Introduction
About This Course
Learning Objectives
Section 2: Surgical Procedures for Breast Cancer
Why It Matters
Breast Cancer: Background
Cancer Treatment Surgeries
Reconstruction Surgeries
Pre-Operative Training and Education
Meet Manuela
Section 3: Acute Phase of Recovery
Occupational Therapy’s Role
Manuela’s Postoperative Occupational Therapy
Section 4: Post-Acute and Long-Term Recovery
Adjunct Treatment: Chemotherapy and Radiation
Musculoskeletal Complications
Psychosocial Considerations
Section 5: Conclusion
Course Summary
Course Contributor
Instructor: Amy Curran Baker, MA, OTR/L
Amy graduated from New York University with a Master of Arts Degree in Occupational Therapy in 1997 and has been a practicing occupational therapist since. She has worked with adult and geriatric populations in both acute and subacute rehabilitation settings as well as infants, toddlers, and school age children in homecare and school based settings. Amy is a two-time breast cancer survivor, co-author of the book Now What? A Patient’s Guide to Recovery After Mastectomy (Demos Health, 2012), and has presented at national conferences on the topic of recovery after breast cancer surgery. She is a PATH International Certified Therapeutic Horseback Riding Instructor and Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning.
Target Audience:
The target audience for this course is: Intermediate level Occupational Therapist; in the following settings: Rehabilitation Settings.
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All courses offered by Relias Learning, LLC are developed from a foundation of diversity, inclusiveness, and a multicultural perspective. Knowledge, values and awareness related to cultural competency are infused throughout the course content.
To earn continuing education credit for this course you must achieve a passing score of 80% on the post-test and complete the course evaluation.
Course Delivery Method and Format
Asynchronous Distance Learning with interactivity which includes quizzes with questions/answers, and posttests.