Course Code: REL-RTS-0-WWPPA
Hours: 1
Type: Online Course
Content Expiration Date: 12/31/2025
Learning Objectives:
Determine the common clinical presentations of long COVID.
Determine treatment approaches for managing fatigue and post-exertional malaise.
Determine the risk factors and clinical criteria for diagnosis of long COVID.
Key Take-Aways (2:31)
Long COVID: Current Terminology (4:00)
Clinical Criteria and Ongoing Effects (7:02)
Common Symptoms (12:07)
Risk in Individuals who are Asymptomatic (13:01)
The Importance of Screening for History of COVID (15:02)
Clinical Presentation: Two Very Different Cases (16:02)
Expected Outcomes (21:43)
Pathophysiology of Long COVID: Current Theories (23:19)
Assessment Process and Considerations for Rehab Professionals (27:39)
Managing Fatigue (34:14)
Post-Exertional Malaise (37:56)
Recommended Intensity for Physical Activity (43:08)
Energy Conservation Techniques: The Four Ps (45:05)
I Suspect Long COVID: What Are My Next Steps? (47:25)
Post Viral Infections and the Future of Rehab (50:29)
Conclusion (52:52)
Subject Matter Expert: Dr. John Baratta, MD, MBA.
Dr. Baratta is a board-certified physician practicing Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He attended medical school at Wake Forest University and completed residency training at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. He is an Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, where he founded and co-directs the COVID Recovery Clinic.
Writer: Tiffany Shubert, PT, PhD
Dr. Shubert has a Master’s in Physical Therapy from UC San Francisco/San Francisco State University and a PhD in Human Movement Science from UNC Chapel Hill. She is a licensed physical therapist with over 20 years of clinical experience. She has taught in pre and post-professional DPT programs and is a funded researcher with 35 peer-reviewed publications. The majority of her research has focused on evidence-based fall risk management and the dissemination and implementation of the Otago Exercise Program.
Target Audience:
The target audience for this course is: Occupational Therapist; Physicial Therapist; in the following settings: Rehabilitation Settings.
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To earn continuing education credit for this course you must achieve a passing score of 80% on the post-test and complete the course evaluation.
Course Delivery Method and Format
Asynchronous Distance Learning with interactivity which includes quizzes with questions/answers, and posttests.