Course Code: REL-RTS-0-SIAT
Hours: 1
Type: Online Course
Content Expiration Date: 12/31/2025
Learning Objectives:
Recognize common clinical presentations of older adults with scoliosis and how to identify their primary curve.
Identify appropriate modifications to treatment plans to account for scoliosis and the order in which to address their dysfunctions.
Determine the importance of scoliosis-specific exercises and their impact on outcomes.
Why an Interest in Scoliosis? (3:00)
The Schroth Method: A Brief History (6:20)
Why More Adults are Seeking Treatment for Scoliosis (9:50)
Patient Empowerment and Self-Referral (10:50)
Reducing the Need for Surgery (12:24)
Scoliosis: Not Only a Childhood Condition (16:07)
Adult-Onset Scoliosis: Terminology and Pathophysiology (19:26)
Recognizing Scoliosis and the Primary Curve (22:26)
Why a 3-Dimensional Treatment Approach Is Not Common Practice (26:06)
Best Practice to Address Primary Curves (30:30)
Common Presentations: Signs and Symptoms (32:04)
Addressing Scoliosis Post-Surgery (33:46)
Treatment Guidelines for Non-Surgical Patients: 5 Principles (35:20)
Avoiding Surgery: How Time-Sensitive Is Our Treatment? (37:20)
Why Not Traditional Interventions? (39:34)
Elongation and Active Traction (40:29)
Key Considerations for a 3-D Treatment Program (42:44)
Expected Outcomes Without Scoliosis-Specific Intervention (48:00)
Post-Surgery Considerations (49:24)
What About Bracing? (50:32)
Suggestions for Improving Proficiency with Scoliosis (51:05)
Conclusion (52:48)
Instructor: Danielle Vernon, PT, ISST/BSPTS
Danielle completed a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy at the University of Alberta, Canada in 2000. She has spent her 20+ year career in orthopedics, ergonomics and is certified in both McKenzie and NAIOMT methods. She is an experienced manual therapist and one of the only physical therapists in the U.S. to hold advanced specialty scoliosis credentials in 3 Scoliosis credentialed programs. Danielle has spent her career working with patients who have spinal conditions and is passionate about being active in the scoliosis research community to better facilitate the dissemination of up to date and evidence-based information surrounding this poorly understood condition. As the owner of a boutique facility called ScolioAustin in Austin, Texas, she is the only provider to dedicate 100% of her practice to scoliosis in children and adults. She aspires to continually educate our medical referrals as to why early intervention is so critical to our patients and how scoliosis-specific therapy can benefit our patients regardless of age.
Writer: Wendy Phillips, PT, BSPT
Wendy holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Florida State University in Biology, as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Therapy from Florida A&M University. She has more than 25 years of experience working as a Physical Therapist in multiple care settings, including acute care, inpatient rehab, independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing, and outpatient orthopedics. Wendy has a strong manual therapy background and has completed additional training in McConnell taping, geriatric care, McKenzie MDT, Maitland Mobilizations for the joints and spine. She is most passionate about using her manual skills to improve mobility and reduce pain in individuals of all ages. As a Lead Physical Therapy writer for Relias, Wendy enjoys being able to combine her clinical knowledge with her interest in research and staying up-to-date with changes and advances in the field of rehabilitation.
Target Audience:
The target audience for this course is: Athletic Trainers; Physicial Therapist; in the following settings: Rehabilitation Settings.
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All courses offered by Relias Learning, LLC are developed from a foundation of diversity, inclusiveness, and a multicultural perspective. Knowledge, values and awareness related to cultural competency are infused throughout the course content.
To earn continuing education credit for this course you must achieve a passing score of 80% on the post-test and complete the course evaluation.
Course Delivery Method and Format
Asynchronous Distance Learning with interactivity which includes quizzes with questions/answers, and posttests.