Course Code: REL-PAC-0-INCSPO
Hours: 1
Type: Online Course
Content Expiration Date: 12/31/2027
Learning Objectives:
Explain how infection control surveillance data should be used for performance improvement purposes and meeting regulatory reporting requirements for the National Healthcare Safety Network.
Discuss the purpose of infection surveillance in post-acute care settings.
Describe the role of infection surveillance as part of an effective infection prevention and control program.
Identify evidence-based approaches to monitor infection data and implement corrective infection control actions as needed.
Section 1: Understanding Surveillance
Infection Surveillance
The Science of Surveillance
How Is Surveillance Used in Long-Term Care Settings?
Case Study
How Is Surveillance Data Used?
Core Surveillance Definitions
Key Takeaways
Section 2: Infection Control and Surveillance Data Collection Techniques
Applications of Surveillance Data
Calculating Infection Control Surveillance Rates
Monitoring Events
Key Takeaways
Section 3: Using Surveillance Data to Drive Evidence-Based Practice Change and Advance Patient Safety
Public Reporting Requirements
Clinical Practice Change with Surveillance Data
Case Study
Case Study
Key Takeaways
Section 4: Conclusion
Course Summary
Course Contributors
Instructor: Hudson Garrett Jr., PhD, MSN, MPH, MBA, FNP-BC, IP-BC, PLNC, CFER, AS-BC, VA-BC, MSL-BC, CPPS, CPHQ, FACDONA, FAAPM, FNAP, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Louisville School of Medicine.
Dr. Garrett is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. He is Board Certified in Long Term Care, Infection Prevention and Control in Post-Acute Care Settings, and previously served as the Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer for the National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration.
Reviewer: Annette Brownlee BSN RN
Annette Brownlee, BSN, RN is an SME Writer for the Post-Acute Care team. She has a Bachelor of Arts in advertising from Michigan State University and a Bachelor of Science in nursing from the University of Northern Colorado. Annette has worked in skilled nursing and home health. Her most recent experience includes being a Staff Development Coordinator and Infection Preventionist.
Target Audience:
The target audience for this course is: Administration; Medical Providers; Nursing Personnel; in the following settings: Skilled Nursing Facility.
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To earn continuing education credit for this course you must achieve a passing score of 80% on the post-test and complete the course evaluation.
Course Delivery Method and Format
Asynchronous Distance Learning with interactivity which includes quizzes with questions/answers, and posttests.