Course Code: REL-RTS-0-IHAIOA
Hours: 1
Type: Online Course
Content Expiration Date: 12/31/2026
Learning Objectives:
Recall the basic concepts regarding home modification, adaptive equipment, and universal design.
Identify strategies to ensure modifications meet the person’s needs and their unique environment.
Recognize three modifications and adaptive devices for sensory, cognitive, and physical impairments.
Identify two resources for home modifications and funding.
Section 1: Introduction
About This Course
Learning Objectives
Section 2: Home Accessibility Basics
Why It Matters
Universal Design
Section 3: Assessment of Home Accessibility
Assessment Process
Home Assessment Checklist
Section 4: Home Modifications and Adaptive Equipment
Finding the Right Solution
Modification For Sensory Impairments
Modifications For Cognitive Impairments
Modification For Physical Impairments
Section 5: Facilitating and Funding Home Modifications
Third-Party Payor Funding
Private and Public Funding
Section 6: Conclusion
Course Summary
Course Contributor
Subject Matter Expert: Christopher Meketansky, MS, OTR/L
Christopher Meketansky OTR/L graduated from Stony Brook University in 2017 with a Master of Science Degree in Occupational Therapy. He received training in manual therapy, specialized treatment for individuals with degenerative neurological disorders and post-stroke neurorehabilitation. He has worked in skilled nursing and home healthcare settings with experience treating patients with dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, balance impairments, and a myriad of other conditions impacting the older adult population.
Target Audience:
The target audience for this course is: Entry level Occupational Therapist; in the following settings: Rehabilitation Settings.
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All courses offered by Relias Learning, LLC are developed from a foundation of diversity, inclusiveness, and a multicultural perspective. Knowledge, values and awareness related to cultural competency are infused throughout the course content.
To earn continuing education credit for this course you must achieve a passing score of 80% on the post-test and complete the course evaluation.
Course Delivery Method and Format
Asynchronous Distance Learning with interactivity which includes quizzes with questions/answers, and posttests.