Course Code: REL-PAC-0-COSTO
Hours: 1
Type: Online Course
Content Expiration Date: 12/31/2029
Learning Objectives:
Recall the basics of the digestive and urinary tract systems.
Identify common ostomies and their function.
Recognize proper care of ostomies and ways to promote comfort.
Section 1: Introduction
Ostomy Overview
Digestive System
Urinary Tract System
Quick Check
When Is an Ostomy Needed?
Types of Ostomies
Section 2: Ostomy Care
Care Overview
Emptying an Ostomy Pouch
Changing an Ostomy Pouching System
Ostomy Complications
Quick Check
Care Considerations
Key Takeaways
Section 3: Conclusion
Course Summary
Course Contributors
Subject Matter Expert: Tameka N. Warren, MSN, RN, CLC
Tameka N. Warren, MSN, RN, CLC, earned her Bachelor and Master of Science in Nursing degrees from Indiana University School of Nursing at IUPUI, and her Associate of Science in Nursing from Ivy Tech College. She has over 20 years of nursing experience in public health, regulation, home health, leadership, education, maternal child community health, and long-term care environments. Tameka has served as a leader in home healthcare practices, quality improvement, and education as a community health nurse and a Public Health Nurse Surveyor (Home Health & Hospice) certified by CMS for a State Agency. She has served as a maternal and infant mortality advocate in managing home visiting services, supporting legislation to improve maternal child care in diverse communities, and as an ALPP Certified Lactation Counselor. She has also served as an Adjunct Clinical Professor to further awareness about the importance of community health nursing. Tameka’s passion is to serve the most vulnerable populations affected by health disparities and to inspire a new generation of nurses to do the same successfully.
Target Audience:
The target audience for this course is: Direct Care Staff; in the following settings: Skilled Nursing Facility.
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To earn continuing education credit for this course you must achieve a passing score of 80% on the post-test and complete the course evaluation.
Course Delivery Method and Format
Asynchronous Distance Learning with interactivity which includes quizzes with questions/answers, and posttests.