Course Code: REL-RTS-0-IHHPO
Hours: 1
Type: Online Course
Content Expiration Date: 12/31/2027
Learning Objectives:
Recall the Medicare requirements to qualify for home health services.
Recognize at least three benefits and challenges to home health care.
Determine steps needed to ensure infection control, communication, safety, and team collaboration.
Section 1: Introduction to Home Health Services
What Are Home Health Services?
Who Qualifies?
Meet Marshall
Reimbursement for Home Health
Key Takeaways
Section 2: Your Role
Roles and Responsibilities
Marshall’s Home Health Evaluation
Patient Safety
Key Takeaways
Section 3: Challenges and Benefits to Home Health
Common Challenges
Health and Safety Threats
Limited Resources
The Upside to Home Health
Key Takeaways
Section 4: Conclusion
Course Summary
Course Contributors
Subject Matter Expert: Ellen Strunk, PT, MS, GCS, ACEEAA, CHC, RAC-CT
Ellen has worked in various roles and settings as both a clinician and manager/director. She is an expert at helping customers understand the CMS prospective payment systems in skilled nursing and home health settings, and outpatient therapy billing for all provider types. For the past 15 years, Ellen has worked as principal consultant and founder of Rehab Resources and Consulting, Inc. Ellen lectures nationally on the topics of regulatory compliance in the post-acute care space and coding/billing/documentation and is a published author, having contributed to the 4th edition of Guccione’s Geriatric Physical Therapy with a chapter on Health Policy for Physical Therapists and Older Adults and Women’s Health in Physical Therapy with a chapter on Exercise and Aging. As a long-time member of APTA Geriatrics, APTA Home Health, and the APTA Academy of Leadership & Innovation, Ellen has served in senior leadership positions and authored multiple articles and educational tools for the sections. She serves on a state level as the Practice & Reimbursement Chair for the Alabama Physical Therapy Association. She is a member of the American Health Care Association (AHCA), the National Association of Rehab Agencies and Providers (NARA), and ADVION, the National Association for the Support of Long-Term Care.
Editor: Sara Dydyn OTR/L, ATP
Sara considers themself a lifelong learner and holds degrees from Sacred Heart University (MSOT) and Wagner College (BS Psychology) and is a nationally board-certified OT. Graduating in 2018, Sara began their journey as an outpatient occupational therapist focusing on adult neurological and orthopedic conditions and durable medical equipment (DME). Sara’s passion for assistive technologies, specifically wheelchairs, led them to achieve their Assistive Technology Professional specialty certification in 2021. They also went on to become certified in CBIT, a specialty modality for individuals with Tourette’s Syndrome. In addition to DME and Tourette’s Syndrome, Sara is most passionate about their work with individuals experiencing Long COVID, and adolescents and adults with hypermobile spectrum disorder/Ehlers Danlos and dysautonomia.
Target Audience:
The target audience for this course is: Entry level Occupational Therapist; Entry level Physicial Therapist; in the following settings: Home Health Agencies.
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To earn continuing education credit for this course you must achieve a passing score of 80% on the post-test and complete the course evaluation.
Course Delivery Method and Format
Asynchronous Distance Learning with interactivity which includes quizzes with questions/answers, and posttests.