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Psychology Professionals - California - Psychologist

Relias Academy offers convenient online courses for licensed professionals, paraprofessionals, and lifelong learners. Information on course requirements by the California Board of Psychology are below, as well as a list of approved and accredited courses.

  1. View your license’s education requirements. If you have questions about Relias courses and how they can help you meet educational requirements, call 1-844-735-2223 and press 1 to speak with an Educational Advisor.
  2. Browse the course list below to view education accepted by the California Board of Psychology. View course details or click Add to Cart to checkout and instantly enroll!


Due On
Due Every
2 years
Due Based On
Birth Month

Accepted CEUs

APA - American Psychological Association


Hours Required
Max Online Hours

Required Topics

Child Abuse and Maltreatment
One time requirement: All Licensed Education Psychologists are required for first renewal of a license have completed coursework or training in child abuse assessment and reporting. The training must meet all of the following requirements: (1) Be obtained from one of the following sources: (A) An accredited or approved educational institution (B) A continuing education provider as specified by the responsible board by regulation. (C) A course sponsored or offered by a professional association or a local, county, or state department of health or mental health for continuing education and approved or accepted by the responsible board.
Suicide Prevention/Assessment/Treatment/Management
Effective January 1, 2020, an applicant for licensure as a psychologist shall show, as part of the application, that he or she has completed a minimum of six (6) hours of coursework or applied experience under supervision in suicide risk assessment and intervention. This requirement shall be met in one of the following ways: (1) Obtained as part of his or her qualifying graduate degree program. (2) Obtained as part of his or her applied experience. (3) By taking a continuing education course. The continuing education (CE) course must be approved by organizations approved by the Board.
Aging and Long Term Care
Pursuant to section 2915.5 of the Business and Professions Code, any applicant for licensure as a psychologist as a condition of licensure, a minimum of six (6) contact hours of coursework or applied experience in aging and long-term care, which may include, but need not be limited to, the biological, social, and psychological aspects of aging. This coursework shall include instruction on the assessment and reporting of, as well as treatment related to, elder and dependent adult abuse and neglect. If an applicant does not meet the curriculum or coursework requirement pursuant to this section, the applicant may obtain evidence of compliance by taking a continuing education course. Pursuant to Section 2915.7, continuing education course in aging and long-term care is required for first license renewal.
Effective January 1, 2023, licensees must complete a minimum of four (4) hours in the subject of Laws and Ethics, as they apply to the practice of psychology. Licensees whose licenses expire between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023 and are completing their renewal requirements using the traditional CE model would satisfy these hours using traditional Continuing Education activities.
42 years
Cultural Competency/Diversity
Effective January 1, 2023, licensees must complete a minimum of four (4) hours of training in the subject of cultural diversity and/or social justice as they apply to the practice of Psychology. Licensees whose licenses expire between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023 and are completing their renewal requirements using the traditional CE model would satisfy these hours using traditional Continuing Education activities.
42 years

The information on this page was considered accurate when it was published. Relias Learning does not guarantee any board approvals or licensing regulations. Contact your professional board for their official requirements.

Online education accepted by the California Board of Psychology

1.25 hours
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